Monday, March 11, 2013

Fried Frog Powder

Món ngon mỗi ngày - Ếch chiên bột
Fresh frog meat tough, powder fried yellow and fragrant cumbersome, put in sweet and sour sauce tasted very specific rules, fried Frog powder used as a snack or served with rice are very delicious!

Ingredients :

Frog: 300gr
Cucumber: 1 left

Lettuce, herbs, switches, garlic chili chopped
Oil, fish sauce, sugar
 seafood fried dough

Recipes :


- Frogs clean, cut pieces to taste.
- Mix 1/2 package Aji-Quick ® fried seafood meal under the guidance package

2. fried frog

- Heat oil, dip in flour then fried frog medium heat until cooked frog, golden crispy, remove and drain.
- Mix sauce: 2M roads, water 2M switches, 2M sauce, chili garlic minced.

3. how to use

- Eat with salad, dots sauce.

Tips for you :

Fry over medium heat, not too big to frog all, when about nine, fire up the frog to be crispy and tasty.

Watch the video tutorial :

Vegetarian Vermicelli

Vegetarian vermicelli is a suggestion for change housewife meal when the whole family was tired of rice or can also be used as a breakfast dish for family members!

Món ngon mỗi ngày - Bún xào chay

Ingredients :

Dried rice noodles: 200g
Fried Tofu: 1 piece

Tofu ki: 1 leaf
Carrots: 50g
Celery: 1
Ganoderma: 50g
Issue poaro: 1/2 tree
Insurance chili, satay, salt, sugar, pepper

Recipes :


- Soft rice noodles soaked, drain.
- Carrots, celery cut fibers, chopped poaro. Sliced ​​fried tofu, fried and cut yarn. Tofu ki cut crispy fiber.
- Mix marinade 1.5 m MSG AJI-NO-MOTO ®, 1M sauce "Fuji", 1/2m salt, 1/2m road.

2. fried noodles

- Africa aromatic poaro, for tofu ki, mushrooms, celery, carrots, stir, continue for fried tofu, mixed-phase input and 1m satay sauce and rice noodle stir.

3. how to use

For fried noodle dish, sprinkle pepper, served sauce "Fuji" and peppers.

Tips for you :

Only rice noodles soft, do not coincide boiling water or they will be crushed
Rice noodles and noodle stir-fry quickly over high heat for not being flat

Watch the video tutorial : 

Fried Okra Stuffed Fried Fish

Human operators strabismus fish smell fragrant pepper and green onion stalks, fresh okra crispy outer layer of powder coat, crispy aromatic richness, this is just a snack with men taste both dishes are eaten with rice verygood of you!

Món ngon mỗi ngày - Đậu bắp nhồi chả cá chiên

Ingredients :

Okra: 10 left
Fish exploitation strabismus: 200g
Chili paste: 50g
Mayonnaise "Aji-mayo": 100g
Salt, pepper, sugar, fish sauce, oil
Scallions, dill, lettuce, tomato
 seafood fried dough

Recipes :


- Split left okra, cut out intestines, dilute brine.
- Both strabismus operators scans with 1M flexible stalks scallions, 1M, 1m 1/3m pepper and fish sauce. Stuffed fish on the left okra.
- Mix 1/2 package Aji-Quick ® seafood fried flour with water according to the following formula, breaded all around the okra.

2. Fried okra

- Heat to boiling cooking oil, fried okra on medium heat; outer layer of gold, take out the disc.
- For chili sauce and mayonnaise "Aji-mayo" on the cup, mix well.

3. how to use

- Served with mayonnaise and chili sauce, lettuce, tomato

Tips for you :

Scans both very flexible. If the number is less, into a small bowl or cup, spoon puree and plasticity.
Of Aji-Quick ® Seafood fried dough help shape better food.

Watch the video tutorial : 

Gone Vegetarian Lettuce

Washed lettuce with harmonious colors of noodles, meat, vegetables inside and outside a red red shrimp are "pinned" to the book by a resistance curve. The book ranks equally with white saucer is beautiful look best. What about taste? Human book scented hearing, dust the gluten and spring silk vegetarian, crispy aromatic roasted peanut flavor, slightly sour taste of alcohol suddenly again, dipped into sauce mix, eat a piece and could not resist to bite things two!

Món ngon mỗi ngày - Cuốn diếp chay

Ingredients :

Vegetarian pork bologna: 0g
Vegetarian: 10 shrimp
Green tank: 200g
Fresh noodles: 100g

Gluten: 100g
Fresh coconut water: 1 left
The wine suddenly: 1M
Honey: 1M
Cotton Us: 20

Cucumber, raw, horn chopped peppers, onions POA syrups, pickles
Five spices powder flavor, roasted peanuts, auditory, oil, pepper, sugar
Lotus seeds from mushrooms and seasoning

Recipes :


- Shrimp, cut in half. Pork bologna, cut cucumber sticks. Cotton pin shallots. Chopped poaro.
- 7mm thick cut the noodles, soy sauce marinated 1/2M "Fuji", 1/2m pepper, 1m particles wedge Aji-tasty ® from mushrooms and lotus seeds, 1 m, 1 little army home.

2. Making his lettuce

- North oil pan non scented syrup for POA, fried gluten on file, for the water chilled noodles, add 1/2 cup coconut milk, gluten participate rim, bringing the lead fiber cut.
- Suddenly wine mixed with honey, light slugs for dry.
- Mix the sauce: 4M sauce "Fuji", coconut water 4M, 1m sugar, boil, cool, chili seasoning 1m chopped, 1M pickles.
- Bench: cover green field cabbage leaves, place cucumber, vegetables, noodles, wheat gluten, pork bologna, roasted peanuts, the wine suddenly, hearing, washed and placed outside more 1 crawfish, tied with cotton chives. Cut 2 for short.

3. how to use

- Use book lettuce with sauce.

Tips for you :

Choosing delicious gluten: gluten white, not yellow, not oil, pressed elasticity
Suddenly alcohol helps food taste characteristics of washed lettuce

Watch the video tutorial :


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